Making use of our Web Marketing Tools, you’re able to build up your website’s global recognition from the Site Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you can get an in–depth sitemap for your web site in no time. You’ll be able to submit the sitemap to search engines so they could scan your website as soon as possible. Also, with the RSS News instrument, you’ll be able to mount regularly refreshed publications on your web site, which is a warranty for greater ranking positions with major search engines. The GeoIP redirection tool will let you direct visitors coming from a specific region towards a particular language variation of your web site for more precise targeting outcomes.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all of your webpages in a click

The quickest method of getting your newly introduced site indexed by the search engines is to submit a sitemap. The sitemap records all of the web pages within your website and by submitting it to a search engine, you notify it that you would like those pages to be indexed as soon as possible. Sitemaps are typically built by 3rd party applications. Nonetheless, here, you will not need to move from the Site Control Panel. i Host and Web’s in–house made Sitemap Generator is incorporated within the Advanced Instruments section and will create a sitemap for you with a mouse click.

All that you should do is choose the max quantity of web pages you prefer to be crawled, the depth of the indexed links and also the format of the sitemap document.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Redirect visitors depending on their location

Through the GeoIP redirection tool that’s included in the Domain Manager of the i Host and Web Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to re–direct your visitors in accordance with their geographical location. For instance, in case you have a number of language variations of your site, you’ll be able to create a distinct language version to immediately open for customers from the country where that language is used. By doing this, when an individual coming from France opens your website, she’ll be instantly taken to the French variant, without the need to change to French by hand. To work with the GeoIP re–direction application , you’ll not need just about any expertise or special skills. Just select the physical area of your respective readers and the URL of your web site that you’d like to load for them automatically.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the most up–to–date news on your website

What exactly is RSS? RSS represents a technology for posting and collecting website content. It is being commonly used by information web sites, personal weblogs, newscasts, and so forth. The presented information is quickly gathered through a news reader and afterwards made available to the consumer. Employing RSS, clients can easily collect updates from a wide range of sites and go over them in a sole place.

With the RSS News Publication tool, you can quickly insert media feeds coming from a lot of the world’s most widely used information channels and demonstrate them within your website.

RSS News